Oil, Gas & Industrial Fit Up Surveys

Warner Surveys’ market-leading Critical Interface service uses highly accurate survey data to foresee any difficulties that may arise in our clients’ fit-up and heavy lift programmes. We provide ongoing support to ensure all fit ups are achieved and critical path is maintained.

For more information about our capabilities in Oil, Gas and Industrial Surveying please click here.

20+ Years of First Time Lift & Fit

We have been carrying out industrial measurement and critical interface dimensional control works for major refinery shutdowns, both nationally and internationally, for over 20 years. During that period we have helped engineers replace most items of process plant, and all on a first time lift & fit basis. 

Precise Dimensions, Fit For Purpose

We take great pride in providing dimensional solutions that are fit for purpose for the many complex engineering challenges encountered in the refinery environment. Our experience allows us to understand your accuracy requirements and provide you with precise dimensions without interrupting process operations.

Good Communication and Robust Methodologies

Our experience enables our teams to assess information and quickly advise project stakeholders of the impact of technical issues. A key part of this skill is the capability to communicate findings in a simple and concise manner. We have developed methodologies which allow us to provide solutions that are subject to rigorous analysis to ensure that we meet the client’s budget, time and operational constraints.

Latest Technology Equals +/-1mm Accuracy

We use the most up-to-date industrial surveying instrumentation. This first-order 3D measurement system allows operators to calculate precise co-ordinates and elevations in real time. The dimensional accuracy of the instrumentation is 1” vertical collimation accuracy, 1” horizontal angle accuracy and 0.8mm +2ppm @150m distance accuracy. We can therefore report spatial dimensions to +/- 1mm accuracy.

Survey Fundamentals Underpin Our Measurements

We will first establish a local network of control points surrounding the unit to be surveyed.  We will then work from these control points to locate all details and features to a positional accuracy of 1mm using auditable measurement techniques.  To reach the required accuracies for precision surveying, our methods involve temporarily positioning reflective targets in the vicinity of the areas of interest.  These measurements can be applied to position any object inside the controlled space in real time, or monitor movement.

FIT1 - Critical Dimension Survey

Critical Dimension Survey


Surveying on Site

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